Monday, August 30, 2010

Healthcare reformed? Hardly.

Should the government have used $700,000 of your tax dollars to advertise the new healthcare plan? I suppose in the grand scheme of government spending, this is a drop in the bucket, but come on, when was the last time the government had to advertise to promote and push a bill?

If you assume, as I do, that the government does little well. . . or even kinda well. . . then the whole thing's going to suck. Of course we need healthcare reform . . .unchecked price increases, dropping customers when they get sick, high drug costs, etc. etc. all add up to a "program" out of control. But . . . let's remember that the government is in charge of Medicare and VA healthcare. Anyone remember the reports about Walter Reid Hospital (peeling paint, lousy care, long waits for care, denied care . . . and on and on)? Our vets should be receiving the best medical care available. They don't.

The system often seems stacked against them. Lose a leg in a IED attack? That'll be a year or so before we can fit you for a new one. Come on. Republicans, of course, haven't offered any decent options. . .and Democrats, who seem to feel we are little children unable to determine for ourselves what is good for us, have managed to create a huge program that few people think will actually work. To truly reform something, the entire program has to be on the table. You missed some of the obvious, folks. . . limit malpractice awards and mandate tort reform (if lawyers are involved the costs increase ten-fold and true victims get less money), allow insurance companies to operate in every state instead of limiting the number state by state, reward wellness programs and cut red tape.

The government has already said Medicare will be cut under the new program . . . there will be plenty of other shoes dropping as well over the next couple of years.

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