Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bud and Baseball Make Another Bad Call

Did you see that Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig was ticked the Mets went public about the MLB ban on wearing first-responder hats during their Sunday night prime-time game against the Cubs?

Awww  . . . poor Bud.

Hey, the league told the Mets they had to wear their regular caps instead of caps honoring first responders (NY fire and police and others), so either you stand by that decision or not. Bud, who has all kinds of issues with replay that might actually get close calls right, should have been thrown under the PR bus on this one.

Oh, and Joe Torre, now executive vice president of baseball operations should have known better as well. Hey, Joe, forget the normal MLB form . . . here was a chance to do what was right. Baseball has more trouble doing that than any other pro sport.

Torre, who managed the Mets as well as the Yankees (for 12 years and during 9/11 no less), could have sauntered into Bud’s office and let him know a PR nightmare was about to explode. They got it wrong. The Mets should have been able to wear the caps during the game . . . as they did during warm up. And, frankly, in the end, the Mets should have said screw you, we’re wearing them.

Bud reportedly makes over $18 million a year. You’d think someone making that kind of coin could make better decisions.

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