My how the mighty have fallen.
We’re coming into the prime political season and there seem
to be so many candidates we’ll need a roster card to keep them all straight,
though once the primaries begin, the field on the Republican side will be
whittled down quickly. Once the money starts to dry up, candidates just can’t
struggle on. Meanwhile, Trump leads the pack and there’s no sign his popularity
is waning yet . . . He’s a whiney blowhard who has hit a voter nerve with his
tough, often insulting talk, but he’s offered no policies or insights into his actual plans.
Same on the Democratic side, as Hillary and Bernie fight for
the hearts and minds of the young, independent and usual Democrat voter. The
irony is that Clinton has managed to sabotage herself and her campaign with the
private server/email issue. A string of bad decisions, from having a private
computer network and server to start with . . . to mishandling the fallout once
it sprouted . . . to trying to spin the issue into something voters would
believe . . . to finally handing her server over to the government . . . Whew .
. . We’ll see if she continues her downward spiral, but I’m guessing she’ll
rebound despite all her issues.
But let’s not rule out Bernie yet. He has
captured the hearts and minds of those sick and tired of the usual political
blah blah with his shirt-sleeve speeches and strong policy statements have
attracted huge enthusiastic crowds. Where that goes over the long haul, who
knows. He’s tapped into the same “sick of Washington” voter, but at a higher
level (though perhaps less “pissed off” than the Trump people).
Anger levels remain high in the GOP, though a number of
candidates seem to be running against Obama and not setting their own paths. Social
issues also remain high on the GOP hit list (we’ll dive into those at another
time). For now, suffice it to say, I think that’s a huge mistake.
Watch all the debates . . . listen to the tone and the
substance. Hillary’s going to be struggling to shake off the email issue, and
Republican candidates will be struggling to step out from under the popular
cloud that is Donald Trump. Stay tuned.
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