Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Stuff . . . brain injuries, ties and the Jets suck

We’re not sure yet what the key tipping points will be next spring and summer when the NFL owners square off against their players, but one should rise above the number of games, revenue sharing and roster size . . . health care.

Football is a brutal game played by extraordinarily large, strong and fast men. And from what we’re learning about brain injuries (much of it just in the past couple of years), many these modern-day gladiators, who play before us for fame and fortune, could be facing a middle age filled with dementia, chronic pain, physical and mental disabilities and even early death. Recent studies are showing that frequent and continued head injuries, not just hard “concussion inducing” single blows, can have a devastating effect on even young players. Apparently, according to scientists, the repetitive blows during practice and games can lead to brain damage in players in their teens. Yikes.

The NFL’s record of taking care of their older players is, at best, dismal. Players make millions . . . owners make millions . . . TV makes millions. It’s time some of that revenue stream goes back into taking care of the gladiators who make all that possible. Better monitoring of injuries, especially head injuries, continued revision of rules designed to limit head injuries, lifetime medical care for former NFL players, including regular brain testing.

I love football, but I’d also love knowing the NFL and the players take care of their own instead of treating them like so much cannon fodder. Yep, let’s figure out the potential for an 18-game season, cut the revenue pie however and add players to the roster or practice squads if needed, but first and foremost, think longer term and improve the care of the player who all too often sacrifice themselves in a short career for a life of misery and despair at a time when they should be enjoying the rewards of their labors.


Ok . . . I get wearing a coat and tie to business meetings. I really do . . . but why the hell are football announcers dressed like they’re going to a board meeting. Come on. It’s a football game. You’re the only guys in the building (ok, maybe an owner and his pals in the luxury booth . . . but I don’t get that either) dressed for junior exec success. Give ‘em a nice golf shirt with the network’s logo on it, for the love of all that is comfortable. Do I really care that Pats owner Robert Kraft is wearing a tie? Is Troy Aikman a better TV guy in a tie? Sheesh. Ditch ‘em.


The season’s early and it looks like the Jets will suck for most of it. Boo hoo. Loving Tim Tebow. A superstar quarterback? I have no idea and don’t really care right now . . . Compare him to mopey Matt Leinart and who would you want on your team. Amen. Jerry Jones is going to be really pissed when there are 100,000-plus fans in his stadium watching two teams that don’t hail from Dallas. Boo hoo. There are a lot of people in football I’d love to meet, but not in pads on a field. Put Ray Lewis at the top of that list. Fifteen years in a brutal position and this guy is still fast, hitting people like a Hellfire missile and blowing them up.


Sorry about Texas Tech this weekend. Thought they had it . . . and since by way of Elder Child’s marriage I am now a Texas Tech fan, they remain on my hot list. Exciting team. I have no idea how those guys down there play 60 minutes in temps resembling a cast iron skillet.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, so, uh, Steve? If the Jets suck, what does that mean about the Patriots? I'm worried!!!
