Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dumb and Dumber

I’m not sure which is which, but the latest pissing match between President Barack Obama and House Speaker Boehner about a date for the President’s jobs speech looks even more idiotic given the current state of the nation, and particularly the northeast post-Irene.

Hundreds of thousands of people are without power, posing potential health issues for them and their communities, people are stranded because of destroyed roads, and FEMA is running out of money. And these two bozos are fighting about a date for a speech.

Obama’s people knew there was a Republican debate tonight, but set the speech for that night anyway. Boehner objected . . .and the speech was moved to tomorrow night (the opening night of the NFL season, by the way, with the Packers squaring off with the Saints).

So we sit here watching these guys piss on each other.

Frankly, Obama has to grow a set and schedule his speech whenever the heck he wants. He’s the freaking President for goodness sake. It may have been a political move to schedule it initially for Wednesday, but can you imagine the House speaker telling FDR, L.B. Johnson or Reagan their request for a speech before a joint session of Congress is no good because there’s a political debate planned for the same night? Those presidents would tell the speaker to f-off . . . the speech is on and if they aren’t there, too bad.

By changing the date, Obama caved again. This guy has to get off the ropes and start piling up some points instead of backing down at every opportunity and letting the Republicans continue take the offense. He’s had plenty of chances to take charge of the issues, counter punch and take charge . . . he has yet to do it. Let’s see what he says tonight, and let’s see what the Republicans do in their first debate. Might be fun (I doubt it) . . . and it might show us who is starting to move away from the pack of GOP hopefuls.)

1 comment:

  1. good post, and I loved your side post as well! Good job, keep posting!
