Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Michelle's Trip . . . Nice place, but bad move

All right, if you were the First Lady (play along guys), would you be so dumb as to travel to an exclusive resort in Spain? Oh, I think that might have been a loaded question. Well, think about it: Our economy is in the crapper, unemployment is (at least) 10 percent, the Gulf region has been slathered in BP oil and your husband, the President, is flying around the country trying to convince everyone we're doing great.
Oh yes, and remember that a couple of weeks ago you went to the Gulf and urged people to visit there. The pro-trip argument is that she's a private citizen and can travel wherever she wishes . . .Nice argument, but the First Lady really isn't a private citizen, is she?
Ugh. Apparently Michelle et al are surprised by the flak now heading their way over this trip. Personally, I think travel is a wonderful thing, but this time I would have advised her to stay closer to home. It doesn't create a perception of understanding when you're spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to lolly gag in a resort overseas. (And, yes, we're paying all expenses except Michelle's "personal" expenses . . . that means the jet $150,000-plus. . .security $100,000-plus . . .staff. . .yadda yadda) . . . I would have advised her to head back to the Gulf, or maybe a U.S. resort. . .or even Canada . . . out of touch.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, a private resort, you say? In SPAIN? SCHWEET to be the first lady, where do I sign up?!! Personally I think her hubby is doing enough f*cking up for the both of them, and this is just the proverbial drop in the pan. If I were Michelle, I'd say to myself, "self? The American people hate us. They're gonna KEEP on hating us, my beloved is making sure of that. Screw it, I might as well go to the Spa in Spain!"
    Hope she had a smashingly good time.
